Frequently Asked Questions
From the September 16th Vermont Manchester Community Workshop
1. Will the PowerPoint slides be available?
2. What requirements are you referring to when you say local hire requirements? Are they from the Bureau of Contract Agreement? Can we know the specifics of that agreement in terms of quantitative measurements?
Goals are set by the governing documents negotiated with the county. In the case of this mixed-use development, it will be the Ground Lease with LA County. LA City Bureau of Contract Administration will not have oversight of this project as it is a LA County project. Once the Ground Lease for the Mixed-Use project is executed, we will share an outline of the requirements. It is our goal to work diligently to not only meet but exceed local hire requirements.
3. Will local hire requirements recruit from the unions?
As part of the PLA requirement, there is an opportunity for individuals to participate in apprenticeships that can provide a pathway to joining the unions.
4. Does the local hire requirement apply to all hires or just new hires only?
5. Are you contacting our local schools regarding available jobs?
6. Is there any specific programs or initiatives in terms of outreach specifically to perspective employees who have a history with the penal system (criminal records)?
Yes, PDA has a relationship with some organizations that work specifically, with those individuals. CRCD also operates a WorkSource Center that has specific programs that connect the reentry population to training and employment.
7. How do we get participants of our WorkSource Center with MC-3 training to be part of the local hire list for this construction project?
We are developing an online platform where community members can submit their interest to us for jobs. Plus, we can provide a list of organizations to PDA so they may reach out in addition to the ones they already work with.
8. Where can public information regarding salaries and pay be accessed?
9. Who is financing the SEED project?
10. Will local community members be allowed to own business or retail stores? Will there be low interest loans available so that they’re able to afford a chance for ownerships before outsiders?
It is extremely important that we have local entrepreneur participation. We can offer direct monetary assistance through tenant improvement allowance dollars. Our proforma must put aside a certain amount of money simply to offer capital for local business to be able to build out their businesses. We will be working with LA Metro as well as County Development Authority to research grants and programs that may provide tenants with additional capital. We are committed to working diligently with local entrepreneurs and provide information and guidance regarding supportive services including access to capital workshops and additional resources offered by the SBA.
11. What public funds or programs will you be applying to for the mix use?
The primary partner is the County of Los Angeles. They are going to be our landlord and will own the land under the project. They are providing the largest form of subsidy. Other forms of subsidy and funding for the project is coming through Section 108 loans and EDA grants for infrastructure dollars and private investment equity we have to raise in order to invest private capital into the property. We will also apply for New Markets Tax Credits. On the tenant improvement side, we are going to assist Tenants with applying to the SBA and other capital sources to see what dollars we can funnel to local entrepreneur businesses.
12. Where is the community benefits agreement?
13. What banks are financing housing?
For housing the funding sources has 2 separate funding stats for the senior component and family side. There are state and federal tax credits. There are county funds through different housing programs from county, city, and state. Los Angeles County Development Authority (LACDA) money, Triple H money for the City of Los Angeles, we have Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities (AHSC) dollars through the state, Infill Infrastructure Grant (IIG) dollars. We applied for Transit Oriented Development (TOD) dollars and Multifamily Housing Program (MHP).
14. How do we apply for senior housing?
15. Is it possible to provide space for senior activities?
The plaza area will be available for a variety of activities including community-led activities and activities for senior citizens.
16. Can you let us know where we can access this meeting at a later time?
17. Where can we find and access SEED’s meeting in June?
18. Does diversity include hiring ex-convicts, youth, seniors, and professionals?
As it relates to the mixed-use project, yes. The local community including members from these groups will have priority for all jobs and training opportunities related to this project.
19. How are you defining local when you say you are committed to hiring locally?
As it relates to the mixed-use project, there will be a tiered approach which is currently being defined. It will be presented along with the local hire requirements once finalized.
20. Who are the 3 Design Build Team?
21. Are the local hires requirements the same as SEED? Are they tied to Metro?
The requirements have not been finalized but we anticipate that they will be like SEED’s.
22. In the Watts Jordan Downs 78% are local hiring, how many of them hired was from Jordan Downs? How many from Watts? How many hired are black? Are they still working now?
For the construction phase, the breakdown of new hires was 41% residents of Jordan Downs, 41% residents of Watts and 18% residents within the City of LA who qualified as Section 3 (based on income levels). 100% of the new hires were POC of which 64% were black.
23. How are you reaching out to the community about this project?
We are reaching out by holding workshops, having VMCAC meetings quarterly, Meeting with different groups like Community Coalition and South Central by South Central. Posting on the www.vmtpp.com site and the www.vmcac.org site.
24. Are the council getting these chats too?
25. Is the school opportunity charter program or LAUSD?
26. Is SEED going to follow LA Metro’s disparity study?
27. Has there been an assessment of the neighboring schools?
Yes, in putting together the charter petition, SEED reviewed the performance and outcome of schools in and around the Vermont Manchester community. Based on the assessment of neighboring schools, we found that SEED has an overall higher graduation rate, an overall higher percentage of students who go to college, and a higher percentage of students who finish college compared to other schools who don’t have the intensity of services that SEED provides.
28. Where can I find LA Metro’s Disparity Study?
Still need help? Send us a note!
For any other questions, please email us at [email protected]